Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! #PoliticsArePoison , Works Of Mad Science, Poison 6: There Can Be No Free Trade With Communist Bandits! Just As There Can Be No Love For Rapists!
Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! #PoliticsArePoison , Works Of Mad Science, Poison 6: There Can Be No Free Trade With Communist Bandits! Just As There Can Be No Love For Rapists!
Poison 6:
There Can Be No Free Trade With Communist Bandits!
Just As There Can Be No Love For Rapists!
Free trade means fundamentally having a free market internationally between nations, not just within any given nation. And free markets are the creation of rules, including but not limited to thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not bear false witness. Liars, thieves, and murderers, cannot be considered legitimate actors within the free market, the rules of which they violate to the fullest extent that they can get away with it. And communists are nothing but liars, thieves and murderers, as a function of their own avowed ideology. All of communism is fundamentally the collectivist absolutist rationalization of thievery. And no one in their right mind would engage in commerce with known thieves, any more than any woman would go on a date with, or even want to be in the vicinity of, a known rapist.
Free trade agreements with communists are nothing but contracts with known thieves, who are also known to be liars, as cover for their thievery. This is essentially taking a pledge for honesty from a known liar, on nothing but the say so of the liar, foolishly hoping in vain that this time will be different. Even if you wish to redeem the liar, this cannot be done by simply ignoring their known track record of lying. It is beyond foolish to give liars the benefit of a doubt, when they have a known track record of lying, not to mention an avowed ideology that rationalizes lying as a legitimate means to it’s ends.
It is a well known historical and economical fact that trade wars lead to real full fledged shooting wars. But just because arguing with a communist holding a gun to your head might be dangerous, doesn’t mean that you have to surrender to the demands of the communist. It does mean that you need to be well armed when dealing with them to any extent, and steer well clear to the fullest extent that you can as a practical matter.
Even within the context of our own constitutional republic in the United States of America, our own founding father Benjamin Franklin once famously said that ‘Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner… A constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.’ Democracy is nothing but the tyranny of the majority. Unbridled democracy is really little better than avowed communism. It is nothing but mobocracy with a populist veneer. And if the mob demands something for nothing, taxation as thievery by another name, the mob gets what the mob wants. And they can call it whatever they want. Because they’re the mob and you’re not. And woe be to you if you even question it, like Socrates.
Socrates was famously put on trial by the world’s first democracy for questioning established ideas. Socrates was essentially tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the Socratic method, one of the fundamental foundations for reason and science that helped build the world as we know it today. But I’m sure that it kept the peace in Athens, at the possible price of the future of reason and science at the time. Peace at any price is a worthless, cowardly, and self enslaving principle. But the peace of unbridled democracy, isn’t worth much more than the supposed peace of trade agreements with communist bandits. They are all inherently worthless and cowardly submissions before slavery. Death before submission!
Unbridled democracy and communism have much in common, because they use similar rationales as cover for their rackets. They are both creatures of collectivist absolutism, right along with fascism. In all forms of collectivism, the collective is held to be of greater importance, validity, and virtue, over that of the individual. The fictional character Mr. Spock from Star Trek once famously said that ‘The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one’ This is presented a principle of logic within the fictional context. But there is no logic in submission before this. Logic is not simply a question of math, any more than value and virtue are simply functions collectivist expediency.
This alleged supremacy of the greater good of the collective, is supposedly held to be true over any individual. But in practice, some are more equal than others, as George Orwell pointed out in his book Animal Fam ( 1945 ). For the collectivist absolutist, everyone is expendable for what they believe to be the greater good. But the greater good of the collectivist itself is a lie. It is a lie of spiritual counterfeit substitution, substituting the artificial collective of the state, for the natural organic collective of the family and the tribe.
Those who wish to play God, must play a game of spiritual counterfeit substitution, where they create an artificial counterfeit version of something real, and swap it for the real thing, so that they may play God over their artificial creation, in ways that aren’t possible with the real thing, since they are not God. The greater good of the collectivist, is just the spiritual bait and switch of spiritual counterfeit substitution. Beware communist bandits lecturing you about the greater good, especially in pursuit of peace at any price.
But does this mean that we absolutely must go to war with the communist bandits wherever we may find them? From the very beginning of our constitutional republic, we were never meant to ‘go abroad to slay dragons.’ ( John Quincy Adams ) The well armed lamb in Benjamin Franklin’s definition of a constitutional republic, is not meant to initiate violence against the wolves, but to deter them, and keep them as honest as can be done under the circumstances, neutering, defanging, and declawing only as necessary.
But this does not mean passively waiting for an attack. Bandits band themselves together into a gang for the sake of strength in numbers, because they are inherently weak and cowardly, and outnumbered by their potential victims. Likewise, knowing this, the victims will tend to band themselves together into a mutual defense pact, called a tribe first, then a republic, and then an international alliance. Evolution has already done this for us as far as the family is concerned, and for that very reason. Which is why the family exists to begin with. This is also the real reason why the Communist Manifesto calls for abolishing the family. One’s tribe is just one’s family and friends, and the extended family and friends thereof. There is no such thing as a tribe of strangers, called citizens.
But how does one go about choosing one’s potential allies against the communist bandits? Unfortunately, there is no clear distinction that can be relied upon, and whatever distinctions there may be, are constantly being deliberately blurred and confused, so that closeted communist wolves may hide out in sheepish clothing, like democracy. And just as we have a system of checks and balances to restrain otherwise unbridled democracy, among other evils, international checks and balances may be agreed upon to sort the wolves from the sheep, by providing and enforcing rules for the sheep, that wolves can’t even pretend to follow, thereby excluding them from participation.
But don’t we already have that with existing communist nations? Oh yes we do, unfortunately. It fundamentally makes no rational sense to engage in an alliance with some nations against communist bandits, then give some of the bandits special trade deals, to victimize you by other means. And many a supposed ally are either communist bandits in disguise, or they are simply in some stage of gradually falling prey to communist bandits within their own countries, often in alliance with communist bandits from without.
The fundamental distinction between allies against bandits, and the bandits themselves, has to be the rules of the free market itself. Trade agreements and defense pacts must go hand in hand, if either one of them are to make any rational sense. And trade agreements must be about enforcing the rules of the free market above all else, to the absolute willful exclusion of noise to the contrary of the supposed greater good, as promoted by communist wolves in sheepish democratic clothing.
But the rules of the free market, as practiced successfully, are fundamentally moral, and more often than not, Biblical as well. “Ye shall know them by their fruits” ( Matthew 7:16 ) is a warning against false prophets, but it applies just as well, if not better, to false paradigms, and the faulty and fraudulent methods based on them. And it is a historical fact, that it was the Christian theologically derived principles of natural law, that produced the freest, most prosperous, and most powerful country that there has ever been on Earth, our US republic. This is in spite of being infected by communist wolves in sheepish clothing by other names, as has been the case in every nation on earth to some extent, unavoidably by human nature, and by the nature of the human herd.
The weak and the ignorant fear being held accountable to biblical laws, because they do not understand what’s in there best interest. And they either have no clue about how they are protected by the rules, or they are simply just another libertine wolf who wants freedom from consequences, no matter the cost to others. People like this will be amenable to the lies of communist wolves when they seek to water down or outright repeal the rules, signing up themselves, and everyone else, for gradual eventual enslavement, for the sake of ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity,’ as well as ‘fairness’ and so-called ‘social’ justice.
Rules without forgiveness are unlivable and unworkable as a practical matter. But forgiveness without rules, is a suicidal pathology, whether for an individual, or for society as a whole. In general, tolerance that is not reciprocated, is effectively a death wish in the long run. Diversity that includes communist wolves in the mix for the sake of ‘tolerance’, is the invitation to the vampire to enter your home, which never ends well. Fairness tends to be a fairytale told by losers, as defamation against the winners. And in the absence of proper rules, as a proper guide, there can be no telling of the difference, assuming there is any, which remains to be shown. And there is no justice but justice. Hyphenated justice is always nothing but a cover for the commission of an injustice, under the cover of some special alleged justice, supposedly overlooked by actual justice proper. ‘Fair’ trade for ‘social’ justice can kiss my intolerant ass!
Since the rules of the free market are essentially biblical, or built upon a similar foundation within another culture, justice more often than not will likewise be biblical in nature at a minimum, conditioned by prudent and practical levels of forgiveness as the balancer of the rule set, which is also biblical. There can be no allies against the communist wolves at the gates, that aren’t at least in keeping with those rules, if not in keeping with belief in the source of them. There can be no legitimacy in any alliance or free trade agreement that is not in keeping with the broad brush strokes of biblical law. Therefore, all such agreements, must be conditioned as such. Biblical trade and defense pacts, and a system of biblically just checks and balances within them, are inseparably a package deal if civilization itself is to be sustained.
Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…
That’s All For Now Folks!
Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!
And May The Best Noise Win!
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