Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! #PoliticsArePoison , Works Of Mad Science, Poison 5: It’s The Great Unraveling Professor Brown! Never Mind The Great Reset!
Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! #PoliticsArePoison , Works Of Mad Science, Poison 5: It’s The Great Unraveling Professor Brown! Never Mind The Great Reset!
Poison 5:
It’s The Great Unraveling Professor Brown!
Never Mind The Great Reset!
We live within a convergence of raging and burning $hi+ storms. $hi+ storms that are not a function of each other, but will nonetheless exacerbate each other, and further fuel each other’s fires. It is like someone just placed a burning bag of dog $hi+ on the front porch of the planet earth, and humans foolishly stepped on it to put it out, and ended up spreading it all over the planet, and called it current affairs. Perhaps some day we’ll make a desert planet, and call it peace on Earth. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, whether we survive the process or not!
$hi+ Storm 1: The Fourth Turning
The Fourth Turning, is the Strauss–Howe generational theory, devised by William Strauss and Neil Howe, from their book Generations, The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 ( 1991 ),
and The Fourth Turning, What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny ( 1997 ), among others.
It is a four generational repeating cycle, approximately 80 to 90 years long, with each generation in the sequence performing the function of one ‘Turning’ of the cycle of four, high, awakening, unraveling, and crisis.
The high phase at the beginning of the cycle follows from the ultimate resolution of the previous crisis phase at the end of the preceding cycle. As a result of this successful resolution, peace is to be had among widespread unity of purpose, believe, and custom, with near unanimous respect for the legitimacy of institutions in general. Times are peaceful, prosperous, and plentiful, but at the cost of stifling conformity. Gradually, complacency over prosperity kicks in. And the new generation, that did not live through the struggle of the previous cycle, chafes against the demands of the previous resolution, and begs to differ, leading directly to the awakening.
The awakening phase of the cycle is a time of increasing individualism, activism, and debate, for better and for worse, and for everything in between. No resolution can ever be perfect or complete. So every flaw becomes a lightening rod for criticism and complaint as soon as the dust settles, war weariness wears off, and satisfied complacency kicks in, with the subsequent generation coming along that either had nothing to do with the previous conflict, or they’re descendants of the previous losers. In the immediate aftermath of the crisis, everyone is happy just to not be fighting and dying. And minor complaints are just minor defects to the their hard won peace. Even the losers of the previous fight, bide their time, and take their rest from conflict along with everybody else.
But as soon as the questioning of the unresolved begins again, or of the falsely resolved, old conflicts and debates begin to surface again, with new questions being added to the general inquiry by the whatever flaws there may be within the previous resolution. Different Individuals will chafe and complain about different details of the previous resolution. But it is fundamental to human nature to desire not to be pushed around or told what to do. Just as much as it is human nature to desire to push other people around and tell them what to do.
This seeming fundamental conflict within human nature is no real conflict at all within the individual. The conflict is always with other individuals. This conflict begins to resurface again during the awakening phase, but never exactly as before. Because not everything is left unresolved, or is resolved poorly or falsely. Progress is achieved to some extent. But not all progress is genuine. And not all genuine progress is held onto. The value and definition of progress itself also becomes a fundamental topic of debate during the awakening phase, as well as the fundamental legitimacy of existing institutions, and any alleged progress therein.
Next is the unraveling phase, where the ongoing questioning, debates, and conflicts, grow and metastasize, growing to ever more extreme forms, with an ever widening divide between different factions of society. The imperfections of unavoidably imperfect institutions, cannot hold up to prolonged scrutiny in this process. Every institution of custom, order, and stability, becomes increasingly discredited, along with virtually every standard of morality, logic, and truth.
The pursuit individualism itself becomes increasingly degenerate, logically as well morally. This degenerate individualism increasingly becomes the libertine pursuit of freedom from consequences, as opposed to a proper libertarian embrace of both rights and responsibilities. This moral and logical degeneracy becomes just more fuel of tinder, to be piled upon an ever growing mountain of tinder, waiting for the sparks. And once all of the institutions are completely discredited, the sparks will inevitably come along to dutifully perform their function, igniting the next crisis phase. Since there is nothing left to stop it by then. Sound familiar? FYI, we are here!
Enter the crisis phase, where all is nothing but war, fire, and destruction, with relative oasis and safe redoubts being few and far between. Eventually, someone wins. And to the winner goes the spoils of civilization, or what’s left of it, along with power and responsibility to rebuild among the ashes and the ruin. In the same way that the winner always writes the history, the winner also rebuilds in accordance with their own desires and designs. This is not necessarily progress. But it tends to be at least a little bit.
To some extent, might does make right. Because right makes might to some extent to begin with. But might is just a feature of power. And power comes in many forms, not all of which are created equal. But one form of power tends to lead to other forms. Power based on logically faulty premises, or outright lies, will tend to make mistakes, and will falter before powers based on sounder methodology. Either way, you will know them by their fruits.
Truth matters! Truth will out! But no power can ever be perfect in their methodology, or in their resolution once they win. Thus the cycle continues in to the next high phase. And so on and on, for as long as human generations continue to propagate themselves. So praise God, pass the ammunition, and preserve your documents. You’re going to need them all for the great rebuilding of God’s reset, assuming that you survive the process that is.
$hi+ Storm 2: The Grand Solar Minimum
And just to be certain that not all of these things are some man made contrivance, one of these $hi+ Storms is not like the others. Because it’s a solar $hi+ Storm, and completely beyond the control and contrivance of man. It would perhaps be more accurate to describe the Grand Solar Minimum as a $hi+i doldrums than a $hi+ Storm. A sunspot is a like a magnetic $hi+ storm on the surface of the Sun. Even though it makes the surface of the Sun slightly darker when there is a lot of it, the magnetic field of the Sun is much stronger when there is a lot of sunspot activity, which is well known to be correlated with the amount of energy we receive from the Sun, thus our effective global climate.
When the Sun’s magnetic field ramps up, it expands, engulfs, and connects more strongly with ours. This a bigger factor than the visible light that we receive, since the Sun is primarily a furnace, not simply a light bulb. The Sun is the source of energy, in the solar electro-dynamic plasma circuitry of our solar system. When we’re better connected to the Sun’s magnetic field, we’re better connected to the primary source of all energy in our solar system. When the Sun’s magnetic field ramps down, we get the solar cold shoulder, diminished solar energy, from a diminished solar electromagnetic connection.
Sunspots have an approximately 11 year short term cycle as they rise and fall in activity. But if the average over multiple subsequent short term cycles is below or above the historical average, relative to Galileo or better records, we’ll get a correlation with extended periods of warmth in the case of higher than normal sunspot activity, like during the medieval warm period ( 1100-1250 ), or you get a mini ice age with the maunder minimum ( 1645-1715 ). Depending on who you ask, we are already experiencing a relative slump in sunspot activity, and have been for a decade or so. I can’t help but notice how all the talk about man-made global warming suddenly changed to climate change, in the past decade or so. Weird huh?
Some speculation believes that we are in for a Grand Solar Minimum, an extended period of lower than normal sunspot activity, and a mini ice age to go with it. But what of a major full fledged ice age? Can one lead to the other? One thing that is correctly predicted by the climate alarmists, is that global warming will lead to the shifting of weather patterns. Any severe enough shift one way or the other, in average sunspot activity, for long enough a period, will lead to such shifts.
Recent reports of Locust plagues coming up from east Africa may be the result of this. Locusts are what happen when certain species of short horned grasshoppers experience a sudden deluge, and resulting vegetation growth, after a prolonged period of drought. Crop failures will unavoidably result from a lowered average energy received from the Sun for a prolonged period alone. All sorts of balances are tipped and destabilized during this sort of process, including the makings of a full fledged ice age.
Although it was sensationalized, exaggerated, and utilized for propaganda purposes by Hollywood, the movie The Day After Tomorrow ( 2004 ), nonetheless depicted the correct mechanism by which a full fledged ice age occurs. The Sun is the prime factor of our climate. But our climate is a state system, whose state is governed by the deep ocean currents that circulate and regulate the thermal energy distribution from the equator to the poles.
The carbon cycle system between carbon in the earth’s atmosphere, and carbon naturally sequestered in the earth’s oceans, is a natural cycle upon which we are dependent to live and feed ourselves, not the destruction of the planet. When the Sun provides enough energy, carbon is liberated for us up out of the earth’s ocean for the benefit of the plant life that we and our livestock need to feed on. When the Sun’s bounty is diminished, the carbon and the bounty of crops largely starts to go away with it, and we slowly starve to death.
But should the deep ocean currents slow down or stop for any reason hypothetically during a Grand Solar Minimum, then we run the risk of a full fledged ice age. When the deep ocean currents slow down or stop, the energy from the equator doesn’t circulate as effectively to the poles. If this is concurrent with a diminished overall energy from the Sun as well, the ice caps will begin to expand without cease until they completely cover the polar regions in thick solid ice caps, that then begin to reflect more and more of the Sun’s energy back into space, exacerbating the problem in a potential downward climate spiral.
The ice core sample record would seem to indicate a repeated pattern of gradually rising temperatures, repeatedly followed by a relatively sudden fall into repeated ice ages. That is, it does when you look at the full record, and not just the last ten thousand years to get you’re precious hockey stick graph, an inconvenient truth for the man-bear-pig Al Gore. Of course NASA, NOAA, and the rest of the government have been keeping a very close eye on the Sun, the ocean, and our climate, for very long time now, and at great tax payer expense. The very same people who shifted their language and framing from talk of ‘man-made global warming’ to ‘climate change.’ So I’m sure we can count on our public servants in the government to get to the bottom of things, and let us know all about it. Any day now, right?
$hi+ Storm 3: The Great Unraveling, AKA, Fall of the Money Changers
The Great Unraveling that I refer to primarily in the tittle, is more akin to the unraveling of empires, as opposed to the unraveling of the generations, but they can’t help but be related, if not coincide from time to time. In particular, the empire of the moment may be given the Hollywood style tittle ‘Revenge of the Money Changers.’ Today’s global system, is not one of fascism or communism per se. Nor is it of one of so-called free market capitalism, or even corporatism, fascism by another name. It is a global bankocracy, where virtually every country on earth, whether ‘capitalist’ or ‘communist’, has their economy dominated and run by a system of fiat currencies, fractional reserve banking, and central banks. It is a global empire of debt and kleptocracy, and a global maze of debt, debt slavery, and indentured servitude, of economic paper mache puppet theater. Operant conditioning is played out with paper cheese in a paper maze, because we’re so much smarter than the rats.
It is as if the money changers tossed out of the temple by Jesus got their ultimate revenge on the planet. But the racket of the money changers is not immune to the law of diminishing returns, among other things, like the Austrian School Business Cycle Theory, of the boom bust cycle, if Jesus wouldn’t mind a little back up. First of all, let us clarify just who or what is a ‘money changer.’ There is no race or religion to the money changers. They always have such superficial characteristics, but these things are never what matter to them, so they are trivial and incidental, therefore irrelevant to the definition.
They are overly dignified thieves, gangsters, and racketeers, brigands and highwayman settled down into a slightly smarter racket, the money changing racket, in all of it’s parasitical forms. The money changers are gangsters first and foremost before they are anything or anyone else. And all gangsters follow the gangster pattern, tribalism before all else no matter what the cost, us versus them, no matter who us and them may be, no exceptions, no excuses, no sour grapes from sore losers. But whatever the excuse, the money changers are simply a meritocracy of parasitical thievery by stealth and fraud. And to the winners go the spoils of global rackets, all of us included, no matter who, no matter what, no matter why.
The modern day money changer racket is much more complicated and sophisticated than the one Jesus tossed on it’s ass. If you ever doubt that Jesus kicks ass, just ask the money changers. But these days, the Vatican has it’s own bank. Fundamentally, the money changer racket in all it’s forms, is to create or exploit an already existing gap or hurdle, that all must deal with one way or another, so that parasitical tribute assured, in exchange for nothing real.
Today, a modern system of artificial hurdles and requirements, via legal tender laws, tax laws, contract law, and the corporate limited liability shell game, create a shadow puppet shell game of false faces and false virtues, false valuations and predatory manipulations. They extract their percentages as tribute on the margins, in exchange for services rendered by them, but not required from them, except by demands of their racket. It is a rigged game with a rigged scale, that functions as an unavoidable toll booth for all commerce, without providing anything truly useful in exchange.
With monetary manipulation, it is possible to stimulate the population of a country to act richer that they really are, certainly richer than they really feel. In a society that has progressed beyond mere barter and all it’s limitations, the availability of money to be invested, serves as a rough proxy for the availability of resources to be brought to bear for any given project. Where society has ‘progressed’ to the point where all commerce is conducted in, and effectively governed by, a fiat currency, that fiat currency is effectively counterfeit substitution by fiat.
In my previous writings I described spiritual counterfeit substitution, as creating some counterfeit of some real creation in order to substitute it for the real thing, and play God over the artificial version, in ways that they can’t done over the real thing, because they are not the gods that they long to pretend to be. The racket of the money changers is the same process carried out in the sphere of economics, where the tyrannical rubber, more often than not, meets the real world road to serfdom, perhaps a superhighway to hell.
Fiat currencies are fiat counterfeiting! And as with any counterfeiting racket, the benefits are only for the racketeers, their minions, and their patrons and proxies, never for you. But they’ll never tell you that. Because you’re one of the ones they’re trying to manipulate. But counterfeit currencies mean having a counterfeit representation of the available resources for any investment, causing people to misjudge available resources and investments, while being ‘stimulated’ and rewarded in their misjudgment.
In the Austrian Business Cycle Theory pioneered by Ludwig Von Misses, the artificial boom is created when then money supply is inflated artificially. Eventually this creates price inflation when economic reality of the racketeering catches up the market place. The money supply then has to be contracted artificially, in order to arrest what might become an out of control process in a potential collapse of the currency, creating the bust of the boom bust cycle. But they can’t do this too much or they may lose power and be scapegoated. And they have high placed friends that they have to keep happy too, because that was how they got there to begin with.
So the spigots are opened up again, and well before all of the ill advised mal-investments from the previous boom are liquidated, especially the well connected ones, but adding new mal-investments to the bunch. Gradually, cycle after cycle, there is bound to be a gradual hollowing out with respect to the quality of investment, rendering the resulting economy less and less responsive to further stimulus. Eventually no amount of stimulus has any effect at all, like a junkie who can’t get high any more, and they can only get straight, or die of an over dose. FYI, we are here!
It’s a fundamental rule regarding the unraveling of empires, when what is unraveling is the foundational racket, upon which the rest is propped up with to begin with, then everything dependent upon the unraveling racket, unravels right along with it. On the way up for empire building, the loot is plentiful and can be distributed however you like to keep all your fellow gangsters happy. But then the law of diminishing returns kicks in, and the loot becomes not so plentiful. Then arguments and differences begin to surface, as the gangsters begin to fight with each other over an ever dwindling pile of loot.
More and more this real conflict beneath the surface grows until it erupts into open conflict, as they throw each other under the bus one by one. But long before that, cracks begin to appear in the facade of pseudo reality projected into people’s heads by the combination of the schools, the media, and now the social media. This process is what some people may call the great awakening, but it’s primarily just the collateral damage of the great unraveling of the grand facade. The twilight of the idols will be televised.
As long as the racket has been running, and they have controlled reality for all intents and purposes, as cover for their rackets, they needn’t be careless or heavy handed as to assassinate a president. But then eventually they became so. I mark the Camelot fairy tale years of the Kennedy administration as the peak of the racket, with the Kennedy assassination marking the beginning of the end of it, as the first great act of desperation, a symptom of the beginning of the fall. The removal of Nixon was seemingly a similar act of desperation.
Ever increasing and escalating acts of desperation, with ever more severe senility and confusion in explaining and covering for it, are fundamental symptoms of the great unraveling. The gangsters attack each other in ever more and more ridiculous ways, bending over backwards to sacrifice each other to the growing fire storm, and desperately trying to do so without catching fire themselves in the process. It is a bonfire of the vanities writ large, a bonfire of false virtues and false valuations. Let them burn! This cannot be saved. This should not be saved. Do your best to get out of the way and minimize the collateral damage to yourselves. And let them burn!
$hi+ Storm 4: The Great Reset, AKA, Desperation of the Money Changers
Enter the great desperation, and the great cope, of the so called Great Reset, COVID-19: The Great Reset, July 9, 2020, by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer. Not to mention The Fourth Industrial Revolution January 3, 2017, also by Klaus Schwab, a guy who likes to dress in public like a time lord from Galifrey, but without the cool hat. He can’t even get his cosplay right.
Unfortunately, I’m just a poor starving mad scientist, trying to drum up mad money from mad subscription fees, on hopefully not so mad Substack.com.
Not to mention my own mad book sales on Amazon.com.
So I don’t currently have the money to pay for such obvious cope. But perhaps I’ll start doing proper book reviews, or just improper mad science ones. But for now, with all due respect, one mad scientist to another, I’ll just have to decline. Too expensive, didn’t read. At first glance COVID-19: The Great Reset just seems like a stalking horse of convenience for the real program of The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
From Amazon Listing: COVID-19: The Great Reset Paperback – July 9, 2020
Kindle: $9.99, Paperback: $17.98
"COVID-19: The Great Reset" is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of these crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset. Theirs is a worrying, yet hopeful analysis. COVID-19 has created a great disruptive reset of our global social, economic, and political systems. But the power of human beings lies in being foresighted and having the ingenuity, at least to a certain extent, to take their destiny into their hands and to plan for a better future. This is the purpose of this book: to shake up and to show the deficiencies which were manifest in our global system, even before COVID broke out."Erudite, thought-provoking and plausible" -- Hans van Leeuwen, Australian Financial Review (Australia) "The book looks ahead to what the post-coronavirus world could look like barely four months after the outbreak was first declared a pandemic" -- Sam Meredith, CNBC (USA) "The message that the pandemic is not only a crisis of enormous proportions, but that it also provides an opportunity for humanity to reflect on how it can do things differently, is important and merits reflection"-- Ricardo Avila, Portafolio (Colombia) "A call for political change in the post-pandemic world"-- Ivonne Martinez, La Razon (Mexico) "History has shown, the book argues, that pandemics are a force for radical and lasting change"-- Mustafa Alrawi, The National (UAE)
But regardless of whether they use COVID, man made global warming, climate change, man-bear-pigs, or even boogie men from Mars, even if they really boogie, all gangsters are control freaks when it comes to their own pet rackets. And when the rackets begin to decline or fail, they become that much more obsessive and pathological in terms of the pursuit of control, especially in terms of an ever deeper level of spiritual control, in terms of what I have already described as spiritual counterfeit substitution, taken to it’s fullest possible extreme, the extreme of trans-humanism.
From Amazon Listing: The Fourth Industrial Revolution – January 3, 2017
Kindle: $14.99, Paperback: $14.29, Audible: free Audiobook on Audible
World-renowned economist Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, explains that we have an opportunity to shape the fourth industrial revolution, which will fundamentally alter how we live and work.
Schwab argues that this revolution is different in scale, scope, and complexity from any that have come before. Characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds, the developments are affecting all disciplines, economies, industries, and governments and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.
Artificial intelligence is already all around us, from supercomputers, drones, and virtual assistants to 3-D printing, DNA sequencing, smart thermostats, wearable sensors, and microchips smaller than a grain of sand. But this is just the beginning: nanomaterials 200 times stronger than steel and a million times thinner than a strand of hair and the first transplant of a 3-D printed liver are already in development. Imagine "smart factories" in which global systems of manufacturing are coordinated virtually or implantable mobile phones made of biosynthetic materials.
The fourth industrial revolution, says Schwab, is more significant, and its ramifications more profound than in any prior period of human history. He outlines the key technologies driving this revolution and discusses the major impacts expected on government, business, civil society, and individuals. Schwab also offers bold ideas on how to harness these changes and shape a better future - one in which technology empowers people rather than replaces them; in which progress serves society rather than disrupts it; and in which innovators respect moral and ethical boundaries rather than cross them. We all have the opportunity to contribute to developing new frameworks that advance progress.
All this from a man who dresses up like a half-ass’d time lord in public, and claims to be designing the future shape of society, where you’ll supposedly ‘own nothing and you will be happy.’ He actually expects to be taken seriously with this demented crap. But then people do take him seriously. And they repeat his talking points about a great reset, desperately doubling down on the same desperate dying grift because they have nothing else. And these are the people currently running things.
Aftermath: The Great Rebuilding, AKA, God’s Reset
When it comes time to rebuild, in order to avoid a repeat of what went wrong, it helps to know clearly what went wrong in the first place and why. The fundamentals of the money changer racket have already been described. But for more detail, consult the Austrian School of Economics, and the works of Ludwig Von Mises
and Murray Rothbard,
among others, through the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, at Mises.org.
But the ultimate nature of the money changer racket, and all such rackets, is spiritual counterfeit substitution, in all of it’s varied forms and applications.
When the path becomes confused or uncertain enough, with missing, conflicting, or even outright false signage, it helps to back track to a previous point of clarity, where the signs still made some sense, then work your forward again from there. “Ye shall know them by their fruits…” ( Matthew 7:16 ) is a warning against false prophets, but it applies just as well, if not better, to false paradigms, and the faulty and fraudulent methods based on them. So just like when a computer’s operating system becomes corrupted from some unknown or irreversible change, it helps to reboot with an earlier version of an operating system that worked, and hopefully avoid the malware that corrupted the system to begin with.
It is a historical fact, that the Christian theologically derived principles of natural law, had produced the freest, most prosperous, and most powerful country that there has ever been on Earth. The only caveat that is logically permissible to that, it that the guidance of natural law based documents like the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, cannot be blamed for what happens when they are not followed. But who’s to know when we are all buried in endless laws? Who’s to know or say what the law is or isn’t then? More law cannot save us from a problem of excess law.
Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…
That’s All For Now Folks!
Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!
And May The Best Noise Win!
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